Every homeowner dreads faulty water or sewer pipes, because of the lengthy excavation process involved. At Sewer Pro, we offer trenchless services in Roswell, GA, an excellent alternative to traditional repairs that doesn’t require digging up your lawn to repair the damage. Learn more about the differences between the two below:


Most plumbing companies offer the traditional method of repair that requires deep trenches to be dug on your property, allowing technicians to locate the damaged pipe and perform the necessary repairs. While this repair solution is more common, trenchless pipe lining is much more advantageous in several aspects. Aside from being more efficient, trenchless repairs also require less labor, allowing you to save up on the overall cost of the repair.


Since trenchless pipe replacement and repair do not require excavation, they are more eco-friendly compared with traditional plumbing solutions. The repairs require fewer equipment, materials and crew to be completed, which means there is a much lower impact on the environment. In addition, with trenchless pipe lining, your damaged pipe won’t end up in a landfill. Instead, we reinforce the existing pipe with a new liner, creating a stronger and like-new interior.


Since trenchless sewer repair requires minimal equipment and fewer technicians working on the job, the overall cost is much lower compared to traditional repairs. Additionally, since trenchless solutions don’t dig up your yard, you won’t have to spend extra time and money on restoring your lawn.

Despite the benefits of trenchless water pipe repair, there are situations where it may not be the ideal solution. When you turn to Sewer Pro for sewer repair, we will inspect your pipes first to determine if the trenchless method is the best route. To learn more about trenchless and traditional plumbing solutions, contact us today for enquiries.